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Archiving and Discarding Records and Profiles

How do I archive a record that I might want to access again in the future?

Individual records can be “Archived” by selecting the red “Archive” option on the right corner of the record or document. When you click “Archive” you will be asked to confirm your desire to archive the record or document.


How do I archive a profile that I might want to view again in the future?

You can archive an entire profile by going to Profile Management in the Administration section. Select the red “Archive” option on the right corner of the record. When you click “Archive” you will be asked to confirm your desire to archive the record.


How do I view previously archived records and / or profiles?

You can view archived records or profiles as follows:

  1. Go to the Settings page of the Administration section.
  2. Select “Yes” in the “Show Archived” field.
  3. Navigate to a specific page to view archived records or go to Profile Management in the Administration section to view archived profiles.


How do I restore an archived record?

When you have enabled the “Show Archived” setting on the Settings page of the Administration section, you will be given the option to “Restore” or “Discard” records that have previously been archived. If you click “Restore”, it will return the record to a standard viewing status.


How do I discard an archived record?

When you have enabled the “Show Archived” setting on the Settings page of the Administration section, you will be given the option to “Restore” or “Discard” records that have previously been archived. If you click “Discard”, you will be asked to confirm your desire to permanently hide the record.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have discarded a record you will NOT be able to restore the record into your active database. Portions of the records may remain accessible by the database to ensure that the links in your tool remain intact.


How do I restore an archived profile?

Enable the “Show Archived” setting in the Settings page of the Administration section. Return to the Profile Management page in the Administration section of the tool where you should now see the profiles that you have previously archived. You will see the option to “Restore” or “Discard” the profile. Click “Restore” to return the profile to active status.


How do I discard an archived profile?

Enable the “Show Archived” setting in the Settings page of the Administration section. Return to the Profile Management page in the Administration section of the tool where you will see the profiles that you have previously archived. You will see options to “Restore” or “Discard” the record. Click “Discard” to permanently hide the profile.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have discarded a profile you will not be able to restore the profile into your active database. Portions of the profile may remain accessible to the database to ensure that the links in your tool remain intact.