Post by: Molly Markey | ELDR

No matter where you look or what service you’re searching for, the world has gone digital. From online banking to photo storage, most of the services we use on a daily basis are accessed through an online portal or cloud environment. And, while some of us may have resisted at first, most recognize that these digital products provide safer, more accessible solutions to many of our needs.
Why then do so many people maintain their important estate and end-of-life documents on paper? Time and again families find themselves overwhelmed by the task of searching for their loved ones’ important documents, often during the already stressful time of making healthcare decisions or while grieving a loss.
Reduce End of Life Stress for Your Loved Ones
Luckily, that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. Simple planning today can reduce the stress and confusion for loved ones later. By using a tool like My Data Diary+, families can rest assured that they have access to their loved ones’ most important and most recent estate and end-of-life planning documents, all in one place. Rather than contacting lawyers, trying to access various bank accounts, and figuring out what services and subscriptions need to be managed, a caregiver can simply access your Data Diary and find all of the information they need.
End of Life Conversations
Beyond the convenience of having documents in one place, My Data Diary+ is a tool for having thoughtful and important conversations with loved ones. Discussing end of life decisions and desires can be difficult, especially if family members are in various levels of comfort around end of life planning, but those conversations still need to happen in order to build confidence that your end of life wishes will be fulfilled.
Once you purchase your Data Diary don’t just add your files and check the item off your to do list. We recommend that you use this time as an opportunity to meet with your loved ones – together or one on one – and share your thoughts and wishes for your end of life. Some topics you may want to bring up include:
- Thoughts around disposition and funeral/memorial services
- Family heirlooms and items that you would like to pass down
- Medical wishes such as organ donation and the level of care you would like to receive
- How to access your Data Diary and the documents within it
Pulling your account information and documents together may take some time now, but it will save your loved ones time and energy in the future. What a beautiful gift to give them.
Need Help With Your End of Life Planning?
ELDR is on a mission to empower and equip people to conclude life smoothly and be remembered well. When you plan in advance of a health crisis, challenging events go more smoothly later, and your life becomes powerfully informed by the reality of its impermanence now. You invest care and intention in yourself and those you love for generations to come.
Feel the peace and confidence that come from completing your plan in 8 conversations with an experienced, professional ELDR. Learn more at ELDR.