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Creating and Managing Profiles

Create a profile for each member of your household by entering the requested information. You are able to add new profiles or modify existing profiles at any time by returning to the Profile Management page in the Administration section of the tool.

You will need to designate one person as the tool Administrator in order to establish relationships with other members of your household. Any profile can be set as the tool Administrator.  The Administrator is usually either the head of the household or the person who will be primarily responsible for data entry and data management in the tool. There can only be one designated Administrator of the tool, but anyone who uses the password to access the tool will be able to add, update, or change the information in the tool.

To change the Administrator of the tool, first change the Administrator status of the current Administrator to “No”, and then change the Administrator status of the new Administrator to “Yes”. Be sure to update the “Relationship to Administrator” status on the Profile page of the Personal Information section for each profile to reflect the correct relationship to the new administrator.